Yes, I am a feminist. A self- proclaimed feminist who enjoys being treated as an equal to the opposite sex. That is the kind of equality I seek as a human being. All I am asking is to be treated in the same manner and not being stereotyped. I do not want to be a part of age old discussions like who is better or there are certain things men can do and women cannot. No. Feminism is not about the generalizations of who can do what. It is about being unable to voice opinions in this suppressed male patriarchal society. All we want is equal respect as human beings and yes, we are surely not asking for role reversals. And we certainly do not want to generalize men too. I have been friends with males who actually are feminists and do believe that women need to have equal rights. Look around yourself, it is those small daily life instances which will give you a better outlook. Don't follow the herd mentality and consider feminists to be the people who hates the opposite sex. No! Infact the truth is, feminists are the people who respect both the sexes equally and stand up for equality for both. We do not ask for any favors or super added advantage for being a female, that totally defeats the notion of being a feminist. All we ask is to stand equal. Gender equality is a global issue. It is not only prevalent in India, it is everywhere. Male dominance is part and parcel of our existence. I think changes begin right at home. If your behavior and rules as a parent are different for a boy and a girl, you are already conveying an unspoken message to a young girl that yes, you are different. Do not discriminate between sexes. Just respect each other
as humans first, rest will absolutely follow and this needs to be dealt at a very basic level. Our existence in this society as females is in dire need of change and only a female can empower a female. So go ahead and be the change, break the cobweb of stereotypes and be the living proof to make people understand how everybody by their own virtue is different and just because I am tagged as female does not make my incapable or capable of doing certain things.
as humans first, rest will absolutely follow and this needs to be dealt at a very basic level. Our existence in this society as females is in dire need of change and only a female can empower a female. So go ahead and be the change, break the cobweb of stereotypes and be the living proof to make people understand how everybody by their own virtue is different and just because I am tagged as female does not make my incapable or capable of doing certain things.