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Virtual Trauma.

Have we lost the essence of things we do?  These days, expressing is more about snap chat, emoticons, face time or texting. Where is that old school way of expressing?
Even a simple " I love you" has bruised itself to ILY.  It is just kind of sad, that relationships these days are more digitally dependent than ever, not that it doesn't come with great amount of advantages for the LDR's ( Long Distance Relationships) but overdoing the technology has actually evoked our sensitivity as humans. These days, enjoying our own company is more like, sitting by ourselves, and using our smartphones. I am a victim of this technology and I'd admit, that it has taken a toll over me.

I mean honestly, it has just kind of started to seem stupid to go up to a stranger and start up a conversation in person without looking stupid or desperate , for its more convenient to that over virtual platforms available today.

There just so much out there on the web, on the virtual space that it has outshone the real world, outliving the real emotions, the real people. Your popularity over web is of greater significance. You might be a different person in reality but your social profile speaks hundreds of different things about you, which you might not even are.

On Instagram I see so many women, vouching for how much they love their bodies and body positive campaigns but ironically they want people to follow them, like there pictures, they are seeking acceptance for who they are. Captioned by the reasoning why they do so and how they are propagation or spreading awareness.  These things are beyond my comprehension but all i can say is, it makes people happy. Yes, Being accepted on social platforms has become a way of happiness for a lot of people. But, the question is, Are you proud of the person you are in reality? Do real people around you are happy to see you.

This world can be dillusional. Sometimes it becomes difficult to differentitate bewtween the veil of virtuality and real life. This is of grave importance to understand and act, people who are friend over virtual platforms, wouldn't come to help you in real life. Only real people would. So make very person around you a valued one. We prioritize friends who are miles far away just to devalue the ones sititng right infront.

I'd always play my imagination a rather vividly and wonder, what if there was no tinder, no facebook, no instagram, no snapchats,  no facetime. Wouldn't we take our relations a little more seriously and would make every moment count, by actually living the moment, rather than trying to capture the moment perfectly, so that could go on your facebook page to recieve appreciation.

Wouldn't romance mean a little differently in this hypothetical world. It would be devoid of emoticons and sugar coated texts,rather filled with colored pages of long letters, or taking time to meet a person you love. I think priorities would be managed in a better way and people who mean the most to you, would know that through your gestures, not texts.

I think of because of exposure this world gives us virtually, we tend to think, we can always find another one. Another friend, another lover, another confidant. There will always be a scope of someone better, because of this far fetched web world. Honestly, every relationship has to be made effort into to make it work. not everything is served on platter.

So, seize what you have today. There would always be a possibilty of a better, perfect one. But, the perfect one may not always be the best for you.

On the contrary, obviously technology has loads of advantage as well. But this facet of technology which is somehow eating us away like termites, slowly and passively is something non dismissible and to be pondered upon.


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