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This word has intrigued me for so long. What does it mean anyway? In my quest of finding answers, I encountered a lot of ART OF LIVING workshops, where they read verses from the holy BHAGWAD GEETA and compared that with the practical truth in life. They guide people to live a content life, give a sense of direction if your lost,if your soul is restless.

They help you heal from within, well for certain people. But for me, this never attracted me, for me this was not enlightenment somehow. I read about meditation, about how it opens your third eye, how it helps in bringing the light to your darkened diminished soul. But that didn't feel like the enlightenment at all, strangely! Then, as I grew up, I learned about yoga, how it brings a person at peace, yes certainly it does ,but my question still remains unanswered. Did it help me enlighten my soul?

I tried taking a Reiki healing course in quest of feeling and experiencing that spark, I thought, my soul longed for. I thoroughly believed that this experience would be insurmountable and  will bring that aura, I was looking for, but very uncannily it did not. And that was so disappointing, I had high hopes. I thought that this experience would move something from deep corners of my soul, I would feel moved. Nah! Nothing helped, I was almost at the verge of believing, its all written in the books. Enlightenment is just a word, a heavy word which most of the philosophical scholars use, but may or may not have experienced it.

But one day I was sitting to myself and thinking, about the apocalypse and the departure of our loved ones. I read over the internet the last letter wrote by STEVE JOBS on his death bed.

  The letter was pure truth, honesty and probably the last thing he wrote. And that was it. That moved something deep inside me.

I was shaken. His word reflected such simplicity but a great depth. In his last words, he described how we chase materialistic things, we earn money but in the process we leave behind some really valuable people. On your deathbed, when you are dying, all you need are the loved ones in your life to be there for you. But if you have not made your relationships valuable, there would be no one there. That according to him was his greatest regret. For the world, he was great man, But somewhere deep inside he was empty, wanting to be loved. That made me realize, you just cannot have everything in life. Everything is balanced out by some supersonic energy in universe. We are all at the same level. Some people have all the riches and yet no companion to bank upon and some people have the best relationships but may lack wealth. In the end, everything is balanced out. We stand together. His words made me realize the importance of relationships,of how difficult it is to maintain them and nurture them, for in the end, materialistic things will fade and only people and the love your soul gets will last. So love and live was what enlightened me. To value every relationship and give love because people may forget what you spoke to them but they will never forget how you made them feel. That feeling, that happiness is the ingredient for a relation to thrive, I may not be perfect but I try to be more compassionate. Trying to comprehend the perspective of the other person and not sizing them up in packets of wrong doing and right doing.

 I have heard a lot of people say, be vary of wrong people. People may hurt you. I think every person you love can hurt with great intensity for you give that person that authority, but that does not make a person bad. Not everything in life is black and white, everything thing has a different facet. So don't weigh in people with righteousness and wrongness, instead, give them a benefit of doubt and accept them. That is a hard thing to do, but rewarding in innumerable ways.


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